Monday, January 31, 2011


kenapa kita merasa kesunyian ?
sebab kita tidak berjumpa dgn si dya yang tersayang kan ?
no wonder laa si dya tuhh boyfie kita or bestie kita kan .
hmp , its okay .
now , sya btl btl kesunyian .
so ptg ny adalah masa yg sesuai untk berjumpa dgn si dya !
lepak wit both of them lhaa !
really really miss them !
that moment very beautiful to me
and would'nt be here without them ^_^ 


Monday, January 24, 2011

BBC Collection 2011

Comel ta haiwan ini ? hehe 
actually , kteorang maseng- maseng ade HOT STUFF ny :)

Hope korang simpan haiwan ny elok-elok oke ?

YOUR ENEMY ; Si Hijau Putih <3
IMPORT from ; BUKIT MERAH , PERAK (overcontry yaww) HAHA

Sunday, January 23, 2011


hye , lama dahh tak update blog ni kan ? ahax . hmp . as a well kteorg da dewasa tahu ? HAHA . cepadd kan ? dulu pakay beg roda jea . pg sch naik basikal rmayrmay . tpy now semua dahh matured and , panday bergaya . HAHA . kata vogue kan ? hmp biasa lahh zaman da maju . huhu . hmpp bt , kami still lg bestfren . kenyataan tu ta boleh di ubah oke ? ahaa . dis year we've through a thrilling moment . whts dat ? hmp of course SPM . we are science student and must be struggle start from now . yeah of course kami ada citacita untuk ke menara gading as another peeps . at least we wnt to be a useful person and tahu balas jasa our parents . axactly . hmp . afta diss bole kawen kan ? bhahahaha . * kidding . additional we still hav an agenda . agenda working as make our siblings always been close . paham paham laa . HAHA . so da conclusion is life mst be go onn ! and one day we're going round da world ! jyeahhh ! HAHA . ops ! gtg ! Okbbye ! :DD

Saturday, January 1, 2011